Easy to wrap, easy to wear!

The one way to tie, no-guess usability of our wrap is a favorite for all new parents.

And once you have the wrap on, you can pop baby in and out. No re-tying needed!

Tips & Tricks

Soak up every moment with your little one all wrapped up in love.

Check out all our videos, step-by-step instructions, and advice from our babywearing consultants.

Checklist for comfortable & ergonomic babywearing

A. baby’s face is close enough to kiss and in view at all times

B. baby’s nose is parallel to the ground or higher

C. baby’s spine, pelvis, and legs are well supported

D. baby’s spine forms a gentle “J” shaped curve

E. baby’s legs are in a spread-squat position & supported knee-to-knee

Real reviews from real parents

"This is the third wrap I have purchased and it’s the only one I’ll be using from now on! It’s comfortable, doesn’t hurt my back, the material is soft and it’s easy to breastfeed in it. Love this wrap!"

"I can finally get things done around the house, plus it soothes the baby almost instantly!"

Customer Reviews

Based on 1178 reviews
Wei Ping True

Boba Classic Baby Wrap Vintage Blue

Kim Keating
Baby shower gift

This is a gift therefore I have not used or opened it. I am sure the Mom will love it. She had it on her registry.

Amanda Braman

I love the Organic Boba recommended by specialists as a way to baby wear, bond, and carry with healthy hip development. I did pay for expedited shipping, but there was an error with the system that delayed this for over a week. The company did send it out after they noticed the issue (it was Christmas time too, so I did grant grace!). My reason for 4 stars is that this version did not come with a carry case, so you just set it down when you’re done and my cat gravitates to it. If it had a case I feel it would be stored more easily and kept cleaner longer (and pet hair free ;)).

Overall, of the three carriers I tried, this would be the one I would recommend most, with the advice to purchase a storage bag somewhere.

Susie Humbeutel

Very quick delivery. It's for a present in a month's time. I'm sure it will be well loved and I'm sure it's of superior quality as per the reviews I've seen on youtube.

Elena Kononenko

I am a big fan of babywearing. My babywearing journey started in 2006 back in Russia after my first daughter was born. At that time, we lived in an apartment on the 4th floor with no elevator in the building. Carrying a stroller up and down for 2 weeks was enough for me to understand: there should be another solution. That's when I discovered the world of slings and baby carriers. My first one was a ring sling, then a wrap, Mei Tais, etc. I even made a couple of ring slings myself. Here, in the United States, I was searching for some babywearing options that would work better for me after my 5th daughter was born. I remembered Boba for its wonderful quality and good reviews. The first product I ordered was the Boba Serenity Wrap in Light Gray. I was so excited to receive the package. The fabric is strong and soft simultaneously. It wraps my baby almost like my hands. When I am carrying her, the wrap is not bulky, and it's very easy to adjust the tightness. After the wrap, I bought two more products from Boba (reviews are coming). Thank you so much, Boba team, for making amazing high-standard babywearing products and popularizing them. I can't overstate the importance of babywearing for both mother and baby's development, bonding, physical, and mental health. I will recommend Boba to all my friends and subscribers.

Elena, mother of five.

“We are designed to grow and be strengthened by every event, no matter how mundane or awesome. The flow of nature and seasons, people, apparent catastrophes, pleasantries—all are experiences of interaction to be enjoyed and opportunities for learning.”