When I gave birth to my daughter, I was elated. I was relieved. I was over-the-moon in awe. I was dizzy with gratitude. I was to-the-bone tired. I was a little off-kilter with the shifting of my internal organs. I was happy. I was so so happy.
And I was hungry. I was so so HUNGRY.
All of my senses were heightened and the taste of food was more vivid, more intense. I craved rich, nourishing sustenance and warm, soothing liquids. I had a very supportive partner and he cooked some beautiful meals for me while I recovered and nursed, nursed, nursed our baby girl. Oh, but what I would’ve given for a visit from my dear friend (then, about 8,000 miles away) and a bottomless bowl of her bone broth chicken soup.
If we consider the exertion, blood and fluid loss, and internal logistical of shifting organs, we can easily conclude that postpartum food is most beneficial when it is deeply nourishing and easy on the digestive tract. So, if you’d like to love up a brand new mom during the first days of her postpartum journey, high quality made-with-love food is definitely the way to go.