Motherhood & Work: The Process of Balance

Motherhood & Work: The Process of Balance

When we become mothers the whole balance in our lives shifts completely. From sometimes having to quit our jobs to having to adjust to the new demands of night feedings, more laundry, and waking up to someone always needing you. It's a process, to say the least.

A process that takes balance. A balance to keep the inner you happy and enjoy the new roles in your life.

A few years back I decided to start my own business. It was something I had never thought about doing but with encouragement and a natural talent for art and photography, I finally went for it. At the time I had just had my second son, who was only a month old.

Starting the business was a process in itself! From branding to learning how to use my gear properly, to even just learning the "basic rules" of becoming a professional photographer. It really was a lot more to sort out than I had originally thought.

I knew going into it that my being a mother would always come first. Photography was something I had to learn to balance with motherhood. There came a time when I started saying no to projects which would have brought in lots of money because it ended up taking away the joy of it. It added so much stress to my daily routine with my boys, that it became a chore and the creative side of me began to rely on what was "comfortable" rather than what was creative and exciting.

There have been moments where my business had to be put on pause due to motherhood — from pre-term labor with my 3rd son to moving (A LOT), to homeschooling, and just enjoying life as a busy mom of three sweet boys.

When I meet mothers interested in becoming photographers, I just really try to encourage them to take it one day at a time — to balance the time they spend working with the time they need with their children.


If you ever come to a place where you aren't enjoying it... step back.

Ultimately you decide what you can take on. Saying "no" or "it may have to wait" will come and this does not mean you won't succeed.

The process of BALANCE is hard - but so worth finding.

Drea from