Kicking Off Our Adventures In Babywearing Series

Ever wonder how you'll ever get through the Amazon with your toddler when the wheels of your stroller get stuck in simple mid-western USA driveway mud? Ever thought about what it would be like to breeze through international security with your newborn cuddled safely against you? Have a yearning to just get out and hike, stand in line for a roller coaster ride, or explore the ruins of an ancient nearby civilization (the bagel relics of Hoboken, perhaps?), but wonder how your little will fare through said adventure? We're launching the Boba Adventures In Babywearing blog series to give you a look at how other parents are doing it, and a place to share your own wild and crazy have-baby-carrier-will-answer-the-call-of-the-wild stories! We're kicking off the series with a topic near and dear to my own Michigan-born and raised heart (high five if you, too, have ridden the Demon Drop at Cedar Point - Sandusky, Ohio - ohhhh... ten or more times!), AMUSEMENT PARKS! Here's a look at what some of our Boba Facebook friends had to say about their babywearing amusement park adventures, and we'll follow up with some more detailed interviews with moms in the posts directly hereafter. Enjoy!Adventures In Babywearing: Sharing Amusement Park Moments
"When my son was six-weeks-old we had a Moby then and had a blast in Disneyland! Since then our Boba has been all over the place including three provinces in Canada, three US States, and Mexico (We live in BC, Canada). Love our Boba Carrier and the ease of travel with it." - Chantal"We went to Disneyworld (from CA) during PEAK attendance season this past December: two of the days we were there, they CLOSED the Magic Kingdom by 9am because they were full to capacity!! We were like sardines in there - no room for strollers. Thank GOODNESS for my Boba - my toddler, then 16 months, 25 pounds, and 35 inches of pure energy - rode in it anywhere from 3-6 hours a day. It was INSANE, but she did great (normally, she doesn't want to be carried for very long, as she prefers to run everywhere, but in all of those wall to wall people, being worn was exactly what she wanted and needed)." - Kirsten "We wore our toddler at the Texas Renaissance Festival! It's huge and crowded and dirt ground, so it was perfect. I was able to just reach back and give him a snack when he wanted one and then let him down when he wanted to run in an open space. I just left it clipped on empty... when it was time for a nap, I swung him around because he falls asleep better on my front. He was the best out of all the cousins because he had a nap!!! I will try to remember to email a pic of him asleep in it and us drinking beer out of our steins!" - Rachel "I wore my baby in my Boba about 8-9 hours at a huge amusement park in Germany last week! Best amusement park experience ever." - Michelle "I have used several carriers on vacation. I love the security of knowing the baby is safely with me while chasing after a toddler. It is also much easier to hop on rides. And especially nice not having a stroller to fold up for the bus at the end of the night at Disney." - Tracie "[I was a] baby and toddler wearer at Disneyworld! I had my daughter in a Boba Wrap when she was 12 months for her first trip. I wore her again in our Boba Carrier just a little over a month ago at three years old. So thankful to have her close and to not have to bother with stroller parking (shudder)!" - Angela Read some more in-depth recounts of Disney babywearing adventures, and see how easy it can be to avoid stroller parking mess, get your hubby in on the babywearing action, and more... check out the Adventures In Babywearing: Amusement Parks post. (link when post live)